Advocacy & Lobbying

In order to be a strong and reputable representative of the private sector, vis-à-vis the public sector, a Chamber of Commerce should have the capacity to advocate the interests and concerns of its members; possess a strong organization with a proper governance structure; and respond to its members’ needs by delivering required services and information.

Lobbying and advocacy for a more conducive economic environment are core activities of Turkana Chambers of Commerce. By actively engaging in advocacy, Turkana Chamber of Commerce raises its profile among policymakers and enhances its reputation within the business community, Turkana County and its environment.

Many Chambers of Commerce are not very successful in interest representation and advocacy, because of the interference and mistrust of government bodies, the political ambitions or closed shop mentality of the Chamber’s leaders, missing know-how and contacts, the fragmentation of private sector interests, and a prevalent informal and ad-hoc style of lobbying. For the Turkana Chamber of Commerce County Chapter (TCC), we pledge non-partisan approach to advocacy and lobbying, transparent and all-inclusive leadership in our management.

The importance of Advocacy at the chamber level is as clearly explained in our vision ‘‘A vibrant and self-sustaining voice of the Turkana business community.’’ The chamber is the voice of the business community. It will be able to articulate issues that affect the business community to the county and national level and also propose interventions to address the issues. The chamber is the connection between the smallest business level to the highest authority.